\nBased on estimates developed before the current crisis, the Indian lubricant market for 2020 was 2.9 million tonnes, with more than half of the demand accounted for by the industrial segment. At the other end, consumer automotive lubricants account for just over 15% of the total market.
\nStronger emission norms and demand for fuel efficiency are driving OEMs to keep developing new engine technology at a faster pace. India has also become an export hub for many global players who are demanding higher specification engines and engine oils to meet more stringent international specifications.
\nThe growth of the lubricants market in India is hindered by fluctuations in crude oil prices. The increasing prices of crude oil in India have adversely impacted the manufacturers and end-users. To shed more light on the market scenario of Indian automotive lubricants joining us today is Mr. Sandeep Sangwan, Managing Director, Castrol India.","img_media_type":"1","mediadate":1657244460,"authors":[{"name":"Shruti Mishra","msid":"479252671","id":"479252671","seo":"shruti-mishra","url":"shruti-mishra","agency":"ETAuto"}],"url":"\/\/www.samalayucan.com\/podcast\/looking-at-auto-lubricant-market-how-will-it-pan-out\/92733451","deviceType":"desktop"}">
舒如提米希拉|ETAuto| 7月8日22日上午07:11:00



印度润滑油市场的增长受到原油价格波动的阻碍。印度不断上涨的原油价格对制造商和终端用户造成了不利影响。今天加入我们的是嘉实多印度董事总经理Sandeep Sangwan先生,他将向我们介绍印度汽车润滑油的市场情况。