




M&M汽车部门销售和客户服务主管、高级副总裁Satinder Singh Bajwa表示:“我们与UCO银行的合作将使我们能够为有志于拥有马恒达SUV的客户提供有吸引力的融资选择。我们与UCO银行的合作将帮助我们将这些梦想变为现实,让SUV拥有体验更容易、更容易、更实惠。”

UCO银行执行董事Ishraq Ali Khan表示:“Mahindra & Mahindra经销商和UCO银行官员将携手合作,为客户谋利益。通过这次合作,UCO银行将为马欣德拉的客户提供贷款便利,这些客户属于不同的阶层,包括工薪阶层、个体经营者、商人、专业人士和农民。UCO银行将提供有吸引力的贷款条款,从而使客户更容易、更负担得起拥有一辆马恒达SUV。”


Mahindra的首席技术官Mohit Kapoor表示,金融将把Mahindra客户的数字化旅程粘合在一起





\u201cThe tie-up will allow Mahindra to leverage UCO Bank\u2019s exhaustive network of over 3,000 branches, extending the reach of its financing options to passenger vehicle customers across the country. <\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: Mahindra & Mahindra on Tuesday said it has entered into a partnership with the public sector UCO Bank to offer financing options to its SUV customers.

\u201cThe tie-up will allow Mahindra to leverage UCO Bank\u2019s exhaustive network of over 3,000 branches, extending the reach of its financing options to passenger vehicle customers across the country. As part of the agreement, UCO Bank will offer credit to prospective car owners at attractive rates of interest, high LTV and without any pre-payment charges,\u201d the company said in a statement.

Satinder Singh Bajwa, Senior VP, Head of Sales and Customer Care, Automotive Division, M&M, said, \u201cOur tie-up with UCO Bank will enable us to offer attractive financing options to customers aspiring to own a Mahindra SUV. Our association with UCO Bank will help us turn those dreams to reality by making the SUV ownership experience easier, more accessible and more affordable.\u201d