


塔塔汽车推出了xpress品牌,专门为车队客户提供服务,xpress - t EV是该品牌下的首款汽车。
塔塔汽车推出了xpress品牌,专门为车队客户提供服务,xpress - t EV是该品牌下的首款汽车。

新德里:汽车专业塔塔汽车(Tata Motors)周三,该公司表示已与电动汽车叫车平台Evera签署协议,交付2000辆XPRES T电动汽车。这些车辆是对现有车队的补充塔塔汽车的电动汽车塔塔汽车在一份媒体新闻稿中表示。

Shailesh Chandra,塔塔汽车乘用车有限公司董事总经理塔塔客运电动汽车他说:“我们与Evera合作已久,我们很高兴能进一步加强这种合作,签署了向他们交付2000辆电动汽车的协议。X-PRES T EV提供了增强的安全性、快速充电解决方案、优质的内饰主题以及实惠的价格下的动态性能。我们希望继续与埃弗拉的合作,共同致力于提供更环保的安全的移动给我们的客户选择。”

Evera的母公司Prakriti E-Mobility的联合创始人兼首席执行官Nimish Trivedi表示:“有了塔塔汽车的电动汽车车队,我们在德里英迪拉甘地国际机场3号航站楼的机场服务即将开始,将推动我们进一步实现这一目标。我们也希望扩展到其他城市,以加快电动汽车采用通过创建端到端的生态系统。”

2021年7月,塔塔汽车推出了xpress品牌,专门面向车队客户,xpress - t EV是该品牌下的第一辆汽车。的x普莱斯- t电动轿车有2个射程选项- 213公里和165公里(ARAI认证的测试条件下的射程)。它封装了21.5 kWh和16.5 kWh的高能量密度电池,可分别在90分钟和110分钟内从0- 80%充电,采用快速充电或也可从任何15a插头正常充电,方便方便。它配备了零尾气排放,单速自动变速箱,双气囊,ABS与EBD作为标准跨变种。优质黑色主题内饰与标准自动气候控制以及贯穿其内外的电蓝色色调将使其有别于其他塔塔车型汽车该公司表示。







Tata Motors launched the XPRES brand, exclusively for fleet customers and XPRES-T EV is the first vehicle under this brand.<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>
New Delhi: Auto major Tata Motors<\/a> on Wednesday said it has signed an agreement with EV ride hailing platform Evera for delivering 2,000 XPRES T EVs. These vehicles are an addition to the existing fleet of Tata Motors\u2019 EVs<\/a> with the aggregator, Tata Motors said in a media release.

Shailesh Chandra, Managing Director, Tata Motors Passenger Vehicles Ltd. and
Tata Passenger Electric Mobility<\/a>, said, \u201cEvera has been associated with us since a long time, and we are delighted to further strengthen this tie-up, by signing an agreement for delivering 2000 EVs to them. X-PRES T EV offers enhanced safety, fast charging solution, a premium interior theme along with dynamic performance at an affordable price. We hope to continue our association with Evera and jointly work towards offering greener and safer mobility<\/a> options to our customers.\u201d

Nimish Trivedi, co-founder and CEO, Prakriti E-Mobility, the parent company of Evera, said, \u201cWith this fleet of Tata Motors\u2019 EVs, our start of the airport services at the Terminal 3 of the Indira Gandhi International Airport, Delhi, is around the corner and will propel us further towards this goal. We are also looking to expand to other cities to fast-track the
EV adoption<\/a> in the country by creating an end-to-end ecosystem.\u201d