


审计长及审计长(CAG)审核销售税 政权截至2021年3月的财年出现了问题。这些问题包括退款的处理方式以及未能发现欺诈行为。系统弱点,如自动退税模块的缺陷、未经适当审查就批准向纳税人的可疑退税、缺乏监测出口收益实现的方法、重复支付商品及服务税退税等,正在得到解决。补救办法在于纠正业务规则、适当实施系统和技术,以及强有力地部署数据分析,这也将使税务当局的任意妄为最小化。然而,税率结构的频繁变化可能会扰乱商品及服务税体系。



The Comptroller and Auditor General's (CAG<\/a>) audit of the GST<\/a> regime<\/a> for the year ended March 2021 flags problems. These include the way refunds are dealt with and failure to detect frauds. Systemic weaknesses such as deficiencies in the automated refund module, sanction of suspicious refunds to taxpayers without proper scrutiny, absence of a way to monitor the realisation of export proceeds, and double payment of GST refunds are being tackled. The remedy lies in the correction of business rules, proper implementation of systems and technology, and robust deployment of data analytics that will also minimise any arbitrariness by tax authorities. Frequent changes in the rate structure, though, can unsettle the GST system.

Central GST taxes as a percentage of
GDP<\/a> fell to 2.79% in FY2021 from 2.95% in FY2020 and 3.02% in FY2019. Collections have picked up this fiscal, as glitches are being fixed. Many of CAG's recommendations have already been acted upon, such as comprehensive profiling of the taxpayers by integrating data from both internal and external systems such as income-tax (I-T), Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT<\/a>) and corporate affairs ministry, as well as scrutiny involving the risk-based selection of returns (just as in I-T). A real-time system of red-flagging high-risk taxpayers in the refund-related modules to avoid fake input tax credit claims, and a proper module for post-audit refunds to improve monitoring, are also in order.

CAG has also pointed to inconsistencies in the GST Network (GSTN) data, such as gaps between taxable value and declared tax liability. An effective review and follow-up system by GSTN to address the causes of data inconsistencies is a must. Revenues would go up significantly with a robust GSTN.
