


会议上决定,在一个行动委员会的旗帜下,在德里发起一场反对这一命令的运动,该行动委员会由CAIT德里邦主席Vipin Ahuja领导。
会议上决定,在一个行动委员会的旗帜下,在德里发起一场反对这一命令的运动,该行动委员会由CAIT德里邦主席Vipin Ahuja领导。


会议上决定,在一个行动委员会的旗帜下,在德里发起一场反对这一命令的运动,该行动委员会由CAIT德里邦主席Vipin Ahuja领导。


为了保护环境,贸易商承诺在德里种植1000万棵树,并将寻求中央政府、德里政府和德里市政公司的合作。在即将到来的Raksha Bandhan,德里各地的商人将组织Vriksha Mitra运动,并将Rakhi绑在树上。

It was decided in the meeting that a campaign would be launched against this order across Delhi under the flag of an action committee to be headed by CAIT Delhi state president Vipin Ahuja.<\/span><\/figcaption><\/figure>New Delhi: Traders' body CAIT<\/a> on Wednesday said it will launch a campaign from July 10, demanding the Delhi government to withdraw the five-month ban on entry of medium and heavy goods vehicles in the national capital from October. The Confederation of All India Traders<\/a> (CAIT) convened a meeting of trade 'associations from Delhi on Wednesday on the issue. Leaders of All India Transport Welfare Association<\/a> and Delhi Transport Association<\/a> also attended the meeting.

\"It was emphasised in the meeting that if the government does not take back this order, the traders of Delhi will have no other alternative but to move to the neighbouring states of Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan for which Delhi government will be responsible,\" the traders' body stated.

It was decided in the meeting that a campaign would be launched against this order across Delhi under the flag of an action committee to be headed by CAIT Delhi state president Vipin Ahuja.
